Please contact us for more information through the Contact Us Form.
Or you can email us directly at info@coastrangecrossfit.com.
2020 06 26
Please contact us for more information through the Contact Us Form.
Or you can email us directly at info@coastrangecrossfit.com.
2020 06 26
2019 11 01
5-5-5-5-5 (same weight for all sets)
12 SDHP (95/65 lb.)
9 Hang Power Snatches
6 OH Squats
5 rounds
2019 10 31
Halloween schedule: We will be open for all normal classes except the 5:15pm and 6:30pm classes. We hope you enjoy your evening with family and friends.
13 Pumpkin Deadlifts
13 Lunges with Pumpkin OH
13 Pumpkin Goblet Squats
13 Pumpkin Wall Balls
13 Pumpkin Slam Balls
13 Pumpkin Partner Sit-up Throws
130-m Pumpkin Carry in Partners
AMRAP 24 min.
RX = 30#/20#
55+ RX = 20#/14#
BEGINNER = 14#/10#
Happy Halloween! Whether you celebrate it or not, this workout is fun, and is a great opportunity to be silly with your friends. All the movements are simple, and it only requires a med ball (or a pumpkin ;-)). All movements are fast paced and done in partners. It is designed so that one person works while the other rests. The person working performs 13 reps of one movement, then they switch with the next movement. The only movement they perform together is the Sit-ups and the Carry. For the Carry, they can either throw it to each other while Running, or one person can carry it for half the distance and the other person for the second half.
2019 10 30
Halloween schedule: We will be open for all normal classes except the 5:15pm and 6:30pm classes. We hope you enjoy your evening with family and friends.
100-m Run
100-m Row
20 Double-unders
200-m Run
200-m Row
40 Double-unders
Each round, add 100 m of Running and Rowing, and 20 DU.
AMRAP 16 min.
100-m Run
100-m Row
20 Jumping Jacks
200-m Run
200-m Row
30 Jumping Jacks
Each round, add 100 m of Running and Rowing, and 10 Jumping Jacks.
55+ RX
AMRAP 16 min.
100-m Run
100-m Row
20 Double-unders
200-m Run
200-m Row
40 Double-unders
Each round, add 100 m of Running and Rowing, and 20 DU.
2019 10 29
Halloween schedule: We will be open for all normal classes except the 5:15pm and 6:30pm classes. We hope you enjoy your evening with family and friends.
0-3 min. Perform:
30 Burpees Over Barbell
3-6 min. Perform:
40 BB Cossack Squats (75/55 lb.)
6-9 min. Perform:
2 min. L-Sit
9+ min. Perform:
10 Burpees Over Barbell
10 BB Cossack Squats
3 rounds
0-3 min. Perform:
AMRAP Burpees Over Barbell
3-6 min. Perform:
AMRAP Cossack Squats
6-9 min. Perform:
2 min. AMRAP Sit-ups
9+ min. Perform:
8 Burpees Over Barbell
8 Cossack Squats
3 rounds
0-3 min. Perform:
30 Burpees Over Barbell
3-6 min. Perform:
40 BB Cossack Squats (45/35 lb.)
6-9 min. Perform:
2 min. L-Sit
9+ min. Perform:
10 Burpees Over Barbell
10 BB Cossack Squats
3 rounds
2019 10 28
BUY IN: 50/30 cal. Assault Bike
4 Clusters (155/115 lb.)
8 Strict Pull-ups
5 rounds
CASH OUT: 50/30 cal. Assault Bike
BUY IN: 40/25 cal. Assault Bike
4 Thrusters (135#/95#)
8 Strict pull ups
5 rounds
CASH OUT: 40/25 cal. Assault Bike
BUY IN: 30/20 cal. Assault Bike
4 Clusters (light load, with mechanics focus)
8 Strict ring rows
5 rounds
CASH OUT: 30/20 cal. Assault Bike
2019 10 27
2019 10 25
2019 10 24
For time
100-m Run
20 Lateral Box Jump Overs (24/20 in.)
200-m Run
20 burpees
300-m Run
10 Lateral Box Jump Overs (24/20 in.)
10 burpees
400-m Run
55+ RX
100-m Run
20 Lateral Box Step Overs (20 in.)
200-m Run
20 Burpees
300-m Run
10 Lateral Box Step Overs (20 in.)
10 Burpees
400-m Run
100-m Run
20 Lateral Box Step Overs
200-m Run
20 burpees
300-m Run
10 Lateral Box Step Overs
10 burpees
400-m Run
2019 10 23